Here is my experience with breast feeding. I had my little boy via emergency c section following a cord prolapse on 23rd May 2024. I tried to latch him but knew instantly something was wrong with his latch. Having had a previous baby with a tongue tie I knew he had one. Luckily due to my past experience I had already purchased the kissbobo 1508 double breast pump and began my pumping journey. I’ve now been exclusively pumping for 2 months. My baby Ronnie has since had his tongue tie division but still hasn’t managed to latch due to his familiarity with bottles now so our pumping journey continues. I love pumping as it gives me the freedom to allow others to feed him whilst I spend time with my little girl. He’s thriving and I couldn’t ask for a better experience.
Pumping is just so easy I can pump on the go and not worry about anything. Without my kissbobo pump things could have been very different for us. I’m so thankful I found your pumps as they have brought so much happiness to our lives.
Attached are some pictures of my son and my daughter and also a picture of Ronnie smiling whilst I’m pumping. Happy Ronnie whilst mummy is pumping
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